Friday, December 11, 2020

 Troop 81 End of the Year Court of Honor

All Scouts and leaders and family invited

Pot Luck dinner check Troop 81 facebook page for food sign up

All Scouts should be in full Class A uniforms

Monday December 14

St Annas Catholic Church Parrish Hall

Scouts at 630pm to help set up

Ceremony to start at 7  pm

Friday, November 6, 2020

Eagle Court of Honor for Daniel Yarman and Walker May

Please join us for the Eagle Scout Court of Honor 

celebrating the achievements of 

Walker May and Daniel Yarman. 

Saturday, December 5

11:00 AM

St. Anna's Catholic Church

1401 Alcovy Street, Monroe

Lunch will be served following the ceremony. 

Please RSVP (770) 356-2055 or 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 Troop 81 upcoming events

Saturday Sept 12 Cobbler Court of Honor, 3:00 pm Scout Hut, Scouts will be recognized for advancements for the year so far. Full Uniform required. Scouts will be able to taste and learn the making of delicious dutch oven cobbler. 

Saturday Sept 26 Stone Mountain Hike Scouts will pack a day pack and plan a 5 mile hike around the base of the mountain. 1/2 day event

November 6-8 Sweetwater and Chattahoochee Fall Camporee at Scoutland on Lake Lanier with activites oriented towards Nature oriented merit badges.

December 11-13 Yule Log Camporee At Scoutland, Fun and Games combining scout skills and training. Also serves as a food drive for local food banks

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Greetings Troop 81

New Scouts coming to Troop 81. All Troop 81 Scouts and adult members are encouraged to attend two new scouts crossover ceremony this Saturday June 27 to be held outside at the Joel Turner Ranch located at 1989 Monroe Jersey Road SE Monroe. Ceremony starts at 100pm so arrive early. Come in FULL DRESS UNIFORM and bring a chair and masks. Food will not be served. Please come welcome our newest members! Social distancing precautions will be in place.

Scout Hut

We have met with the New Leasers of the Community center. They have encouraged renovation of the Scout Hut. Already, adult leaders have cleaned the roof, power washed the entire building, cleaned shrubs from the back, removed unused light fixtures and poles, and work is proceeding on removing the grates and repairing the windows. Next comes painting and replacing the door. We also plan  to undate the electrical box and install ceiling fans. 

We have three scouts heading to Camp Rainey summer camp on Sunday June 28- Friday July 3. Ron Yeater and Warren Parsons will be adult leaders. Roman Rodriguez cannot attend because of family concerns.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Short Meeting Monday March 16- Troop 81 will meet Monday to discuss upcoming troop activities and meetings. We will decide on Pine Mountain Backpacking event scheduled for March 21-22 as well as whether to procede or suspend  regular meetings until the current viral outbreak has stablized. Scouts and leaders who are at risk or sick are not expected to attend. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

REMINDER! Daniel's Eagle Project Workday is Saturday, March 7

Please come out and help me with my Eagle Project on Saturday, March 7.  We will be laying stepping stones for a prayer walk at St. Anna's Catholic Church, 1401 Alcovy Street (corner of Criswell Road and Alcovy Street/Monroe-Jersey Road).  We will start at 10:00 AM and hopefully finish by 3:00 PM.

There will be plenty of snacks and drinks and we will have pizza for lunch.

Wear old clothes that can get dirty and bring work gloves and shovels if you have them. I still need a wheelbarrow if anyone can let me borrow one, let me know.

Please text your name to me at (770) 880-2504 and let me know if you are coming so I will have a count for lunch and so I can let you know if there are any changes to the plan due to weather.  Right now it looks like the weather is going to be perfect - high of about 60 degrees and sunny.  It will be cool in the morning, so bring a jacket.

Thanks for your help.  See you Saturday!


Monday, February 24, 2020

Please Help at Daniel Yarman's Eagle Project March 7

I need your help for my Eagle Project Workday on Saturday, March 7 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at St. Anna's Catholic Church, 1401 Alcovy Street, Monroe.

We will be laying stepping stones to create a prayer walk for the church. This will count as service hours for advancement for the younger Scouts. If we have a good turn-out, we should be able to finish in one day.

Wear old clothes that can get dirty and bring work gloves if you have them.  Bring regular full-sized shovels or the little hand-held shovels that are used to plant flowers if you have those.  We also need wheel-barrows and tamps for packing down the dirt, if anyone has them please let me know.

We will have plenty of snacks, drinks and lunch for everyone.  Please let me know if you are coming so I can be sure I have enough help and so we can plan lunch.  You can text me at (770) 880-2504 or email

Thank you for helping me with my project. 


Sunday, February 9, 2020

Monday February 10  Cub Scouts are visiting. We need all scouts to come in Class A uniform. We really need to make a good impression. Games and demonstrations planned.

Monday February 17 No meeting due to Presidents Day

February 22 Saturday Advancorama in Athens, Andrea Miley Advancement Coordinator is helping with sign up.

Next Outing February 29- March1 campout at  Schorr Farm. Details to be decided

Schedule for the Year

March 21-22 Backpacking the Pine Mountain Trail through FDR State Park

April 18-19 Canoeing and camping down the Flint River near Thomason Georgia, Experience one of the nation's most scenic rivers by canoe.

May 2-3 Camping and exploring Providence Canyon near Columbus Georgia, the Grand Canyon of Georgia

June 6-7 Camp Rotary on Lake Hartwell

June 28-July 4 Summer Camp at Camp Rainey Mountain. This is so important for Scouts to attend to earn Merit Badges towards Rank Advancement and Eagle.

July 13 Monday meeting Scout Hut Cleanout.

July 20 Monday meeting Mid-year Court of Honor and Grillout at Scout Hut

August 15 Chicken BBQ Fundraiser

September 19-20 Nantahala River raft and campout

October 24-25 Backpacking Chattooga River Trail Clayton Ga

November 14-15 Campout to be decided

December 11-13 Yule Log Camporee Scoutland

December 14 End of Year Court of Honor

2020 Boy Scout dues are Due. The National portion of the dues almost doubled this year. The Committee voted to only raise our dues by $10 to $70 to try to minimize the burden on our Scouting families. The proceeds from the BBQ allows us to subsidize the increase.

Summer Camp this year is $300, up $5 from last year. First $100 payment is due by end of February, second payment by end of March and third payment by end of April.

Thanks for all the adult leaders who attended the Troop 81 Committee meeting at the Schorrs. We think we have one of most exciting and adventurous calenders ever planned. Congratulations to Warren Parsons who was elected committee chairman.

All Scouts interested in a week adventure in the beautiful Florida Keys at the national BSA camp Seabase, talk to Scott Miley, he is gathering information on an adventure in summer 2021.