End of the Year Events
Last regular meeting December 9- Come prepared to arrange final plans for Yule Log. Will need all hands on deck for the famous scout skills competition. Also remember to bring Canned good for food bank.
Also Advancorama is coming up January 25 2020 and registration for merit badges is open. Andrea Miley should be at meeting December 9 to help scouts decides which merit badge offering would be of benefit. Great opportunity to advance rank and move toward Eagle.
Yule Log December 13-15 Scoutland. Dress for weather and warmth. Bring canned goods. Adults usually provides meals at this event so Scouts can focus on competition. Mr Thompson has reached out to cub packs to join us. We need new young scouts!
End of Year Court of Honor Monday December 16th All scouts and their families are invited to Troop 81 traditional banquet. Program will include recognition of advancements as well as a slide show covering all the adventures of the year. Families expected to bring either a hot or cold side dish or desert. Troop will provide chicken.
To be held at St Annas Catholic Church parishoner hall 1401 Alcovy St Monroe. Scouts should be in full Class A uniform including Sashes. Scouts should be there by 630pm to set up. Program to start at 7 pm.
Scouts wanting to participate in the Santa gift exchange should bring a wrapped gift valued at or less than $10 for the exchange.