Happy Thanksgiving Troop 81 and Families
Chicken BBQ Fundraiser a Great Success! Thanks to all who sold tickets and contributed time and items. We cleared $1600 on 190 tickets sold. Camden M won the $50 dollar Smoothie King gift certificate for most tickets sold. The Willis family won the $500 gift certificate raffle.
Congratulations to Troop 81 Scouts at Sweetwater Camporee. Our well prepared and well trained Scouts won 3 of the five competitions- Flag pole lashing, Desert preparation, and Fire Starting.
Final Outing of the Year Yule Log December 7-9, Scoutland on Lake Lanier. The next two meetings after Thanksgiving will focus on preparation for this big event. This is a big canned food drive for Atlanta area food banks. Scouts are asked to bring canned goods for donation to the next 2 meetings to help out others who are hungry around the holidays. Cub Scout packs are invited to attend for overnight or just for the day.
End of the Year Court of Honor. All Scouts, Leaders and Families are invited to our final event of the year. Badges and ranks of the year will be awarded. Monday December 10 at St Annas Parrish Hall. Scouts should arrive by 6:30pm, program to start 7:00Pm. Scouts in full uniform including sashes. All Pictures for the slide show should be turned into Dr Schorr by Monday November 26. Chicken will be provided by the troop. Sides, drinks and deserts are donated by families. At the next meeting the scouts will decide if they want to do a white elephant gift exchange at the gathering.