Friday, April 27, 2018

Saturday April 28 all Troop 81 Scouts invited to celebrate Brantley Yeater Eagle Court of Honor 11:00 am Monroe Country Day School 603 S Broad Street Monroe GA. Come in full uniform and sash. Congratulations to Brantley achieving Scoutings highest honor.

Monday April 30 Special New Scout Welcome ceremony at Mr Thompson's property 240 Powers  Rd. Scouts in full uniform should be there by 6:30pm. Ceremony to start at 7:pm. We have invited the members of pack 1737 and pack 524 to come participate. Each Scout family is asked to bring a dozen cupcakes or brownies to serve our guests and new members after to ceremony. The troop will supply drinks.

Next Outing May 5-6, Orientation campout at the Schorr farm. All scouts encouraged to attend to help train our newest new scouts in the patrol method, setting up tents and learning the basics of cooking.

June Outing June 9-10, Camp  Rotary, on the shores of beautiful Lake Hartwell. This an important outing to get the scouts swim tested for summer camp. Also this is a Family Campout where families can join us for the day or stay for the weekend.

Summer Camp July 8-14 th Camp Rainey Mountain. New Scouts are encouraged to sign up- there is still room for New Scouts in TNT training. All scouts going to summercamp need to be making their 2nd and third payment. Give checks to Ron Yeater.