Friday, December 22, 2017

Eagle Court of Honor for Christopher Yarman January 13

All Scouts and their families are invited!

Saturday, January 13, 2018
11:00 AM
St. Anna's Catholic Church
1401 Alcovy Street, Monroe

(770) 356-2055 or

Friday, December 1, 2017

Yule Log December 8-10 Scoutland

Monday meeting December 4- All Hands on Deck for the biggest scout event of the year! Combined districts from Northeast Georgia competing in traditional scout skills competition. Event is also a food drive for local food banks. All scouts are expected to bring can goods to donate. Please bring whatever you can to Mondays meeting. We need as many of our scouts to attend this exciting final campout of the year. Any cub scout or friend that is interested in Scouts is welcome to come up for the day.

End of the Year Court of Honor
Monday December 11 St Annas Catholic Church 1401 Alcovy rd Monroe. Scouts expected at 6:30 PM with program to start at 7PM. Full Dress uniform with sashes as we celebrate the years events and rank advancements. All families welcome. Chicken to be provided by the troop. Families beginning with A-P are asked to bring warm side dish and soda. Families Q-Z are expected to bring cold side dish and desert. Scouts interested in participating in the Scout gift exchange should bring a wrapped gift (value $5-7).

Thursday, October 26, 2017

BBQ Fundraiser is here

First shift beginning at 600am is well covered. Second shift beginning at 1030am needs more Scouts.

 Scouts need to be in Class A uniform. They will help assemble plates for pickup between 12-2p at American Legion in Monroe(NOT Loganville). We have sold 145 tickets and plan to make 175 plates. Walk up orders are encouraged. Forecast is for rain which may hurt our walkup sales. Tell neighbors and friends!!

Each Scout family is requested to donate one large loaf of white bread and 2 packages of Little Debbie deserts for the plates.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Camporee Training Day Saturday October 21 9:00am
Schorr Farm 2490 HD Atha rd located between Ammons Bridge rd and Monroe-Jersey rd, south of hwy 138.
All scouts going to the Pumpkin Chunkin Camporee November 3-5 are required  to attend this important meeting. We will be working to finalize assembly of our trebucket pumpkin chucker. Will try to finish up by 12-1pm.

BBQ tickets for October 28 BBQ
Money is due Monday October 23. We do not have much money turned in so far and we need the boys to sell at least the 10 tickets each was given. This helps support the troop as we don't participate in the popcorn sales done regionally.

If you have photos from Troop 81 events during the year, please collect them on a jump drive and give them to Scott Schorr to be included in the end of year court of honor.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Monday October 16 Meeting

Please attend Monday's meeting. Elections for Patrol Leader will be held. Congrats to Daniel Yarman elected to Senior Patrol leader and to Camden Miley elected to Assistant Senior Patrol Leader .

Up coming Sweetwater District Camporee November 3-5
Pumpkin Chunkin.
We need to know if we have enough scouts going to have a team to build the catapult/Trebuchet. We have to register to avoid late fees.

Annual Chicken BBQ fundraiser.
October 28. We need money from ticket sales to order chicken. We need the help of both Scouts and parents for this important event. Early session involves cooking the chicken, the later session involves putting the plates together. Its not too late to keep selling tickets!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Important Meeting Monday Sept 25

Elections for Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. Please try to attend to pick good leaders for the next 6 months. Leadership roles are needed for rank advancement.

Mr Thompson and Ms Elaine will be present to help go over advancement requirements. Bring needed materials and books.

Planning for Sweetwater camporee will begin. This is November 3-5 and will involve building a Pumpkin Chuncker. Basically a catapult type device to hurl a 10lb pumpkin as far as possible.

October 28 Chicken BBQ. Tickets are available for pickup and sell. This is our only fundraiser of the year and raises money for activities and supplies. These funds helped cover half the costs of our recent caving adventure. We don't sell popcorn and dues do not cover all the costs of running the troop. All the Scouts are expected to sell at least 10 tickets each, hopefully more.

Recruiting- Younger scouts are encouraged to invite friends from school, church or neighborhood to visit and consider joining our troop. We need new young scouts. They are encouraged to attend upcoming camporees in November and December.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Important Message

We have 22 boys participating in Troop 81 Boy Scouts. For the last event, Panther Creek backpacking, we had 4 scouts participate. For Raccoon Mountain, September 16,  we have again only 5 Scouts participating. We have committed adult leaders and exciting outdoor activities but if the Scouts don't show up,  they not only short change the troop and their responsibilities to their patrol but they short change themselves and whatever they hope to get out of the program. The patrol method, leadership training, knowledge transfer and fun can not occur if our Scouts don't show up for the outdoor activities which are the core of the Scouting program. If you are a parent, please encourage your Scout to participate is a many programs as possible. If a conflict comes up, talk to the adult leaders as often time we can work around or acommadate working other things into a scouts schedule. To keep your Scout engaged and primed for success on the path to Eagle, he has got to enjoy the experience of the outdoor program.

For Raccoon Mountain bring:

long sleeve shirt
study long pants- no elastic or sweatpants, preferably a belt
sturdy lace up closed toe shoes athletic or hiking shoes, preferably waterproof

These are required for cave entrance.

After the cave
Have a change of clothes

Don't forget swimsuit and towel as there is a swimming pool on site and warm showers.

Food will be prepared commonly.

For more info check:
www.raccoonmountain .com

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Next Outing

Raccoon Mountain Tennessee - September 16

One of our most popular adventures. The scouts head underground for a 3 hour guided tour of Raccoon Mountain Cave- exploring underground caverns, rivers, waterfalls, crevices and flow features. Afterwards, we have full access to the warm showers and swimming pool of the campground. Sunday we plan to hike the trails of Cloudland Canyon State Park, Georgia's most beautiful canyon. Cost for each Scout is 25$ plus food, the troop is covering the rest of the charges.
As there is no meeting September 4, deadline for registration is Monday August 28. Bring cash or or check made out to Troop 81.

October 28
Annual Troop 81 Fundraiser
Tickets for BBQ will be going on soon for this event.
More details soon.

Now that the boys are back in school, we have encouraged them to invite friends who have an interest in the outdoors to visit our troop, we need new members to keep the troop vital. Outreach to church youth are also encouraged.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

With the beginning of school and the end of summer travel and vacations, we would like to see better regular attendance at our Monday Meeting. Mr Eddie Partian has become Troop81's new Scoutmaster. Many thanks go out to Mr Jourdan for his years of service in this capacity. Mondays August 7 meeting includes a full uniform check.

Troop 81 Calender for remaining 2017- these activities were voted on by the scouts of Troop81 at the beginning of the year.

August 19-20 Backpacking Panther Creek-
 This is a short relatively level 2-3 mile hike into the campsite along the beautiful rushing Panther Creek. Once sites are setup, we plan to hike to the base of the spectacular Panther Creek Falls. This is a fun site for swimming. Sunday we hike out the way we came in.

September 16-17 Raccoon Mountain Cave-
 We plan  to drive up Saturday morning and set up camp in the group camping site on Raccoon Mountain outside of Chatanooga TN. Our 3 hour guided tour of the cave begins at 2:30pm and goes deep into the cave. The cave provides helmets and lights and knee pads and gloves. Be prepared to get muddy as we wriggle through tight openings and edge along underground streams. Afterwards, well have full access to the shower facilities and swimming pool.
Sunday, depending on interest, we may swing by Cloudland Canyon State Park, easily one of Georgia's most beautiful. Hikes along the rim or descending down to the waterfalls in the valley are possible.

Cost Cave entry, equipment, guide and site rental is $40.00, The troop plans to help offset this cost with funding from last years BBQ. Each scout will be responsible for $25 and the troop will cover the rest of admission. Also we may do whole group meals as opposed to patrol meals. Foot cost is not included in the entry amount. This does require a check or money given to Ron Yeater no later than August 28. There is no Scout Meeting on September 4 due to Labor Day.

October Date? Possible chicken BBQ fundraiser. Mr Eddie is soliciting input on repeating the successful fundraiser that we did last year. Please give him your thoughts.

November 3-5 Sweetwater District Camporee-
 theme has not been announced. Location is at Scoutland.

December 8-10 Yule Log Camporee
Combined camporee celebrating competitions between troops using traditional scout skills. This is also a can food drive for local food banks. Location is Scoutland.

December 11 End of Year Court of Honor
St Annas Parish Hall 1401 Alcovy St Monroe

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Austin Schorr Eagle Scout Workday
Saturday  July 1

After setting the foundation gravel for the patio and fire ring at the last workday, Austin plans to lay the sand and place the pavers for the patio. He does not have the steel ring for the fire pit yet.

July 1

St Annas Catholic Church

1401 Alcovy St Monroe

8:30 am- 2:00?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Final Meeting before Summer Camp June 19

All Scouts going to Summer Camp must Attend next meeting:

Scouts and Adult Leaders attending Must Bring Current Boy Scout Physical Form with parts A, B, and C completed.  Can be printed from

Forms must be complete and signed and MUST include copies of current insurance card front and back.

If pediatrician is not available some walgreen and minute clinic do physicals. Make sure tetnus shot within last 10 years. Make sure they use BSA form. Make sure immunization record is included.

If your Scout does not have this form, he will not be allowed into camp.

Make a copy to send and keep a copy at home in case of loss.

Camp Rainey Summer Camp June 25-July1.

Each Scout is responsible for their own transportation to and from camp. Car pools with other scouts is encouraged but is up to the Scout and parent to coordinate.

Scouts are expected to meet in the parking lot at Camp Rainey Mountain at 1:00pm in Class A Uniform for Checkin. We checkin as a group so try to be on time to keep everyone else from waiting on you. Scouts should have lunch before arriving at camp. Sunday Supper is the first meal.

After checkin and wellness checks, Scouts are released to their campsite to setup camp.

Scouts should be ready for pickup by 10am Saturday July 1 st. Please try to be on time so that leaders are not kept waiting on family pickup.

Adults: We need two adults in camp at all times
All adults must have Youth Protection Verification at checkin

Eddie Partain has committed to the entire week. 
James Keenum has committed to coming up Sunday and departing Tuesday night
Scott Miley had committed to replacing Keenum for the second part of the week but this has not been confirmed.
Lee Jourdan has not yet committed to attending camp due to medical issues.
David Thompson might be able to cover part of the week as well.
Any other adults who might be able to help these leaders during the week are highly encouraged to come to Monday's meeting. Even just a couple of nights would help.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Next Meeting is not on Monday May 29 since it is Memorial day. We are having a prepratory meeting on Tuesday May 30th at 7:00 PM. Class B Uniforms only. All Scouts planning to go to Camp Rotary should attend to pull together final equipment and menus.

Next Outing Camp Hartwell  June 3-4
Located on the shores of Beautiful Lake Hartwell, This is one of the district's hidden jewels. We will be conducting swim tests to get ready for summer camp. There will be plenty of time for swimming and having fun. We will leave scout hut at 700am and return Sunday around noon.

Austin Schorr Eagle Scout Project starts
Saturday May 27, 800 am St Annas Catholic Church, 1401 Alcovy Rd Monroe, Building patio and firering. This should be relatively short day. Bring metal rakes and work gloves

All payments for summer camp are due. Please give to Ron Yeater as soon as possible

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May 13 th Spring cleaning at the Scout Hut.

All Scouts encouraged to come out and help clean up the Hut, particularly in the rear of the building where a build up of leaves and vines is funneling water into the hut with every rain.

May 13
Wear work clothes
9:00 -12:00
Bring metal rakes, hoes
We may have hot dogs if work extends to lunch time.

Congratulations to Wesley B. elected to SPL and Mason K. elected to ASPL

We shuffled patrols at last meeting, be sure to make it to next meeting May15 where elections for new patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders will be held. Leadership positions are required for rank advancement.

June 3-4 Next Outing
Campout at Camp Rotary
Located on the shores of Lake Hartwell, Camp Rotary offers a beautiful camp site with floating dock and swim area and pavilion. It is the best kept secret of the Northeast council.

June 25- July 1

Summer Camp at Camp Rainey Mountain

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chattooga River Backpacking Trip

After weeks of preparing with sessions on packing and equipment, meal planning and water management, we are ready for our adventure. We have 15 Scouts signed up for this 11 mile hike up the scenic Chattoga River that forms the border with South Carolina. Outside Clayton GA

Meet Saturday  at 730am

Wear Class A always ( though will leave in car upon arrival)

We have 15 scouts and 4 adult leaders going.

Be sure scouts prepared for rain: 30 % chance, poucho, hefty bag can protect backpack, Dry extra cloths in Zip lock bag. Space on trail limited, scouts should pair up tents, carry less weight too. Hamoch

Bear bag and rope though bears are rare.

Adequate water (at least 2 liters each scout) we have a filter too.

Grubmasters need to also plan cook utensils, fly, cleaning tools
Zak H,Walker M,Wesley B, Christopher Y.

Sunday walk out 2-3 miles, then retrieve cars, then two hours home likely return after noon.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Schedule for 2017  Important Dates and Events

March 25-26 Campout  Bike and Hike
All scouts encouraged to come out for our first campout of the new year. We have the private Boy Scout Campsite reserved nestled in the 1400 acres of the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers Georgia. This site allows access to the 8-10 miles of Mountain Bike Trails created for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic games. If Scouts don't want to bike, they will have access to the 175 acre Big Haynes Creek Nature Center with trails, piers, Canoes and Kayaks to explore the preserved wet lands and bird sanctuary. We will help arrange biking gear, helmets, and equipment that Scouts may not own. There is no charge for this event and would like so see a good turnout. Please have your Scout come to the meeting Monday March 20 with a knowledge if he will be able to attend.

We continue to have a number of scouts who attend sporadic meetings but rarely go on outings. This deprives the scouts of advancement opportunities  in the out door program and makes it difficult to for scout and adult leaders to lead and plan events. Every Scout needs to make it a high priority to attend as many outdoor events as possible, even if it means catching up to the troop after a sporting event or other family commitment. Not every campout will be their "favorite one" but if they hope get the most out of their Scouting time, they need to show commitment to the troop.

There will not be a scout meeting on April 3 due to Spring break. 

We still need more boys to sign up for Summer Camp  at Camp Rainey Mountain from June 25-July 1.  It is great fun and also essential in obtaining merit badges for rank advancement towards Eagle. Give Checks to Ron Yeater. Camp Cards can be sold to offset costs of camp with 4$ of every card  sold going to pay camp registration.

Congratulations to Tyler H., Camden M., Zak H., Mason K. All were elected to the prestigious Order of the Arrow at the last meeting.

Backpacking on the Chattooga River. We will hike the scenic river trail and camp along the one of the prettiest rivers in the Southeast. Featured in the "Deliverance" films, we will see beautiful waterfalls and pristine wilderness in the river forming the Georgia-South Carolina Border. We will have a shorter path for younger scouts and longer path for older scouts. This a great opportunity to cook backpacking meals for Camping Merit Badge.

May 13
Workday at Scout Hut. To keep the rains from flooding the Scout hut, we plan to dig in a French drain behind the hut to carry water away from the foundation. James Keenum and Scott Riley have already replaced dim flourescent lighting in the Scout Hut with new state of the art LED lighting. Please thank them for their contribution of time and effort.

June 3-4
Swim fun at Camp Rotary. One of the most popular outings with full access to Lake Hartwell.

Outing to be determined

August 19-20
Outing to be determined

September 15-18
Caving at Raccoon Mountain, Chattanooga Tennessee

Cub Scouts
Scott Miley has been coordinating recruitment with local Cub Scout Packs. The Cub Scout Crossover has been delayed by their new program which extends to April. Look for Crossover news in April or May(formerly crossover was in March)

Troop 81 We are setting up a Facebook Page to help communicate with our scouts and parents. Mor info coming.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Next Event Massive Rock Wall Climbing

This Saturday February 18th
Stone Summit Atlanta Branch (Not Kennestone)
3701 Presidential Parkway Atlanta GA 30340

Leave Scout Hut at 9am

Scouts Wear Class A uniform with comfortable climbing gear underneath
Bring $20 for climbing plus any extra
Bring lunch
Parents must sign waiver ON LINE at Stone Summit for Scout to Climb

Likely return time 3pm.

Boy Scout Sunday
February 19th

A Boy Scout is Reverent

All Scouts invited to St Annas for Mass 1200-100pm

1401 Alcovy St, Monroe GA 30655

Wear full Class A uniform with Sash
Meet in vestibule at 1145am
Various roles to be assigned at that time
Plan combined photo in Sanctuary immediately after Mass.

Monday February 20

 Presidents Day No Scout Meeting

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Saturday January 28 ADVANCE A RAMA

Begins 8:00am, Ends 3:00pm
Berkmar High School
405 Pleasant Hill Rd
Lilburn, GA 30047

The Following Scouts are registered:

Camping: Will G.,Ben H., Mason K, Reagan M., Walker M, Daniel Y.
First Aid: Sam H.
Digital Technology: Zak H.
Electronics: Wesley B.

Scouts taking Camping need to bring fully packed backpack for requirements 5e, 7b

All Scouts are responsible for their own transportation to and from this event. If a scout needs a ride they can reach out to the adults that are going: Mr Jourdan, Mr Hickman, and Mr Keenum to see if they have room in their car.

All Scouts should be in full Class A Uniform (No sashes)

All Scouts should bring pencil and paper.

All Scouts should bring either their own lunch or Money to buy Pizza. Their is a concession stand for snacks too.

If a scout who is not registered wants to attend, they will try to place them in the class of their choice but it is not guaranteed for walk ups. Cost is 15.00.

Beginning next meeting, Scouts are encouraged to bring their book to every meeting so we can determine where they are in their advancements and plan events to help them keep moving forward.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

No scout meeting Monday January 16 due to MLK Holiday

Any scout not registered for advance a rama need to forward registration to

Adult Leader planning meeting
is planned for
Monday January 16

 at Schorr house
468 Creekside  Drive Monroe GA,
located in Lakeshore Estates off of HWY 138


bring school and personal schedule issues to map out the new year.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Advance a rama January 28

This district event is a great way to use the cold dark days of winter to earn merit badges for rank, for fun, and Eagle. Sign up is now. Cost is 12.00, After January 18 it is $15.00. Choices may also fill up if late registration.

Choices for badges are in the handout given out at Court of Honor, last meeting or can be emailed to you
Contact for info.

Summer Camp June 25-July1 Camp Rainey Mountain

Great Fun and many choices for badges and activities.

Cost $265 divided in three payments Jan 24 $; Mar 2 $90, May 23 $85.

National Boy Scout Dues

Scout $60 either in lump sum or 2 divided payments, Jan31 th

Adults $30