Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Up coming events

Saturday January 30   Advancorama a great way to earn merit badges. we have 8 boys signed up

Meet at scout hut at 6:30 am, event starts at Berkmar High school at 8:00 am
Usually over by 3-4 pm

Scouts should bring : Class A Uniform
                                   Sack Lunch and drink
                                   Pencil and paper
                                   Money for snacks/drinks

Monday February 1
          In preparation for Pine Mountain FDR State Park backpacking, scouts need to bring their backpack and equipment to the meeting. We will review and give advice on backpacking materials

February 13-14
          Backpacking FDR park. Leave scout hut in am. Two groups- older scouts especially those preparing for philmont will hike long route and meet other group who will hike in shorter route.

March 5-6
        Sweetwater camporee- using only recycle materials, build a raft to race across lagoon.

April 1-4
      Okeefenokee Swamp This is a big event! IF we can secure permits. Plan to depart Friday and camp somewhere close to swamp, Will try to borrow canoes to bring with us, paddle into swamp on Saturday morning. Sleep Saturday night on platform 1, paddle Sunday to platform 2, spend night, On Monday, paddle back to vehicle and drive home. Costs of platform and camping about $40. plus food Likely $20. This is a rare opportunity when everyone's spring break lined up to allow extra time off. Though more costly than most events this is a great opportunity to explore the largest swamp on the East Coast.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Troop 81 New Year Calendar

The Adult leaders of troop 81 met January 4 and worked out the calendar for the first half of the year. This is not an easy undertaking as our troop draws from at least 4 different school districts and each district has its own calendar. Also we try to plan around holidays to minimize impact on family schedules and travel plans. Also we try to avoid conflicts with OA events so that our troop members don't have to chose between which activity to participate. These date are subject to change as conditions and circumstances come up. For the Scout and parent, these activities are always listed on the white board above the fireplace in the Scout Hut. Please review these dates and try to incorporate them into the scouts schedule. As we announced at the court of honor, attendance this last year on weekend activities was disappointing. To get the most out of the program and to help with their advancement, Scouts should attend as many weekend events as possible, even if coming after other necessary obligations. Sometimes a one hour basketball game or soccer match will not prevent participation in weekend scout event.

Dues for 2016 are now due

      For Scouts                $60.00
      For Adult Leaders    $30.00

Dues include a subscription to the scouting magazine and a Troop 81 T shirt, extra shirts are available at additional cost

Membership cards are not mailed but may be printed off the scouting website.

Membership does give a 10% discount off certain online and regular retail companies.

Summer Camp at Camp Rainey Mountain
        A great time to earn merit badges toward advancement and have a week of fun in the mountains
        Date July 3-9
        Cost $285 paid in three installments, see scout hut for exact dates

Dates for the Year

January 18 There will be a meeting. This is a change from previous notice.

January 30 Advance-a-rama- Sweetwater event to assist Scouts achievement merit badges to rank           advancement. Daytime only event.
                  Meet at Scout Hut
                  Cost is $12.00
                  Ms Elaine met with scouts to help them chose best badge.
                  We need checks made out to troop 81 my next meeting January 18 th.
                  For Adults there are courses in Life to Eagle advancement, Troop leadership courses.

February 13-14
                 Possible backpacking FDR park, rock climbing if weather not cooperative.

February Scout Sunday organized by Lee Jourdan date to be announced.

March  Elections for Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
March 5-6
              Either Sweetwater Camporee or Troop event on its own
              Details on camporee not yet available

March 21
              Tentative date for crossover ceremony

April 1-4
              Our most ambitious event of the year!
              Canoeing the depths of Okeefenokee Swamp
              Tentative plans:
                   Borrow canoes and trailer from Scoutland,
                   Depart Friday April 1 and get most of the way to swamp.
                   Place canoes in water by 10am Saturday. Paddle into swamp. Camp on wooden platform Saturday April 2. Each   platform holds 20 people max and has toilet. Paddle to second platform, spend second night. On Monday paddle back to vehicle and return home Monday.
                  Reservations for platforms not given out until 8 weeks before departure so this event is unsure. Firm commitment from Scout will be needed.
                  Cost is $15.00 per person per night and includes park entrance. Cost for meals and Friday night camp not included.
                  This is the first weekend of Spring Break for GWA, Covington, Monroe schools.

April 30- May1

June 11-12
                 Camp Rotary
                 Complete swim test for Summer Camp

June 9-22
                Scouts from Troop 81 and Troop 354 travel to Philmont NM

July 3-9
                Summer camp at Camp Rainey
                See Above

OA Activites

     Troop Elections  Jan-Feb
     March 19-20   Ordeal, Spring Fellowship
     April 23-24     Conclave
     May 11-12      PreCamp

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome 2016 Troop 81

Adult Leader Calendar Planning Meeting

Monday, January 4, 2016, 7:00pm

Adults leaders only

All adults should attend this important meeting to review and establish the dates for the 2016 calendar year. Please review personal, school and other activity calendars so that we can set dates for the upcoming year.

Uniforms not required.

Monday January 11

Regular scout meeting resumes

Monday January 18

No scout meeting due to MLK Holiday