Sunday, November 15, 2015

End of Year News

Monday November 16

Ms Elaine will be present to review progress and update achievements for the scouts. We will planning Yule Log activities. We are initiating send home notices to encourage Scouts to discuss upcoming events with parents. The Scouts often seem unable to commit to upcoming events because they have not reviewed these activities with their parents. Life is busy and often the Scouts may have other obligations with school or sports or other activities. By giving ample notice, we hope to allow the scout to plan to attend more of our outdoor activities. Even if it means coming late or leaving early. We hope the scout understands that the majority of fun and knowledge of the scouting program is obtained in the outdoor program.

Monday November 23

No meeting- Thanksgiving break

Monday November 30th

Yule Log Preparation

Monday December 7

Yule Log Prep

Tuesday December 8

Year End Court of Honor

St Anna's Parrish Hall (New Location)
1401 Alcovy Street, corner with Criswell

Covered dish dinner with chicken provided by the troop and side dishes brought by the families. We will be calling to arrange specific needs. Sides, salad, drinks and desert.

Cost is free for the scout and $5.00 per person for non scout, up to 15.00 maximum per family

This is an important time to recognize our Scouts and their accomplishments of the year.

We will have our usual slide show of the many sights and adventures of 2015.

We will have a gift exchange for the Scouts. If they wish to participate, they need to bring a wrapped gift worth $10 or less.

YULE LOG December 11-13   Depart Scout Hut 700pm

Traditional Scout Skills Competition (lashings, fire starting, memory, morse code, knots)
Registration fee $5.00
PLUS Canned goods for Holiday Food banks
Great time to invite prospective scouts or cub scouts to spend the day with us
Our troop is in need of new Scouts. All boys age 11 or having completed the 5th grade. are eligible.
As the scouts are involved with activities, the food will be prepared for by the adult leaders.