Monday, December 8, 2014

Lost Camera Lens

Thank You for a great end of the year program. Someone left a camera lens in the church hall. If this is yours, please contact Donna Ruark. She will attending Wednesday night church service at the hall this Wednesday. If you need further info, please contact Ron Yeater who is a member at the church.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Court of Honor

Year End Court of Honor

For those that missed the last meeting,

Our year end Court of Honor will be held:

Monday,  December 8, 2014 from 6:30-9:00pm

Location: Good Hope Christian Church, 176 High Shoals Road, Good Hope, 30641

To cover costs of the chicken, Adults and guests are $5.00, Scouts and children under 5 are free, maximum per family is $20.00

Each family is requested to bring either a covered dish, salad, desert or drinks. Please RSVP numbers attending and what type of dish you're bringing to

If a Scout wants to participate in the gift exchange, he should bring a small camp worthy gift in a bag($5-7 value suggested)

Yule Log Camporee

Dates Dec 12-14, Departing scout hut Friday at 630 pm

Scout Registration fee is $5.00 plus as many food cans as possible as this is a charity collection for local food banks for the holiday season

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday, Oct. 12
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Church at Winder
546 Treadwell Rd
Bethlehem, GA

Final work day for Colby Daniell's Eagle project.
Will be spreading mulch and cleaning up limbs and branches around the playground.
Please bring gloves.
For more information or directions call 770-868-6202

Monday, September 29, 2014

Schedule update and Registration dues

Please note that the schedule for the next couple of months has been modified. The Sweetwater Fall Camporee which usually falls in November was moved to October 24-26. This looks like a great event with a Truck and Tractor Pull  incorporated into the event. This will be located in White Plains GA, about 60 minutes from Monroe. Scouts have the opportunity to earn the Farm Mechanics Merit Badge if they wish. Registration is 15.00 per scout if confirmed by October 8. Please have scout bring checks to the Monday meeting, addressed to Troop 81. Late registration is 20.00. For some scouts this weekend will be the final weekend of their fall break.

The Backpacking trip originally planned for October has therefore been pushed back November 21-23.

Popcorn sales are ongoing. This can be a way for scouts to offset the cost of their activities while also raising money for the troop.

Our Scoutmaster Lee Jourdan is looking to confirm the end of the year court of honor location soon. The EMC location used last year was booked.

The Fundraising cookbook that the scouts voted to support does not have adequate input to procede. Please contact Ron or Virginia Yeater regarding contributing favorite family recipes for the endeavor.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Important notice

Meeting June 23, 2014

This is the final day for summer camp payment. Please bring balance due and give to Ron Yeater

Please bring BSA physical forms as well. Attendance requires a completed physical exam form. Also a copy of insurance card front and back.


We are looking forward to a great Summer Camp.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

REMINDER! Cameron's Eagle Court of Honor is Saturday!

Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Cameron Jones
March 8, 2014
2:00 to 4:00 PM
St. Anna's Parish Hall
RSVP to Darice Jones
(770) 725-9533 or

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Seabase Lottery Win

Exciting News For Troop 81!!!  We have won a spot for Seabase High Adventure Camp located in the Florida Keys for 2015 (Next Year) This is one of four National BSA high adventure camps. Slots are awarded by lottery and we have a short period of time to commit to keep this slot.

Date of departure: Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Date of return:       Wednesday June 3, 2015

Type of activity: Sea Exploring
Details: Scouts and leaders live aboard a 70 foot three masted schooner as it sails through the keys. Meals, sails, maintenance, and navigation duties are all performed by the scouts. There will be time for snorkeling and we spent one portcall day in Key West. We do not leave US waters.

Who is eligible?

Scout must be at least 13 years old and completed the eighth grade or be 14 years old at the time of sailing; Adult leaders must weigh less than 295lbs.

What does it cost?

The entire boat package is $15,900 split among the number of scouts/leaders going. This includes all fees, supplies and food.

If we have a full crew(20), that would be $795. per person plus cost of transportation which will likely be by auto.

What is due when:

A nonrefundable $100. deposit is due now to hold your spot. Checks must be received by Thursday March 20.

The first half of the fees are due by Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Final payment of the fees are due by February 26, 2015

As we have a small troop, I don't expect to completely fill our slots from our troop. I have begun reaching out to local troops for interest. If we can't fill these slots locally, we can go through a Seabase matching program that seeks to place single scouts or small groups to fill vacant spots. This is a little less controllable but may be an option in a pinch. This will be a once in a lifetime experience for the Scouts and a unmatched opportunity.

If interested, Please call me Scott Schorr 770 843 9972, or email
If financing is an issue, the program does offer financial assistance for qualified scouts.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Eagle Court of Honor for Cameron Jones March 8

Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Cameron Jones
March 8, 2014
2:00 to 4:00 PM
St. Anna's Parish Hall
RSVP to Darice Jones
(770) 725-9533 or

Friday, January 10, 2014

Saturday January 11 Activities

Troop 81 Monroe GA
Saturday 11, 2014

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge- This an Eagle required merit badge that Ms Elaine Foster has graciously volunteered to teach.

Scouts are to be dropped of at Farm, not Scout Hut.

Location: Schorr Farm, second floor of white barn
                Inside white gate with lions on gateposts.
                2490 HD Atha Rd
                Monroe Ga

Time: 9:00 am until 3:00pm

What to bring:
                        Pencil and paper
                        Scout Book
                        Class A uniform (Bring jacket as barn is only partially heated.)
                        Sack Lunch
                        Money for bowling- optional

Bowling  optional

 to follow merit badge course, if scout is not bowling, may be picked up at farm

Time: 3:30-5:30pm

Location: Oasis bowling
                 479 Brightwell Ct (off of Hwy 78)
                 Loganville Ga

Group rate:  14.99 for 2 hours includes shoe rental.
Pickup: parents to pickup scouts from bowling alley.