Saturday, December 1, 2012

Court of Honor - Farewell "Mr. T"

Troop 81 Court of Honor will be held on Thursday, December 13th at Walton EMC on Hwy. 78 in Monroe. Please plan to arrive by 6:30pm. Scouts should bring a $5.00 gift to exchange with another scout. All families will be asked to bring a covered dish. Mrs. Thompson will be contacting each family with specifics such as bringing a vegetable, salad, etc. Special guests will be attending as "Mr. T" will be resigning his position as Scoutmaster. Looking forward to seeing all scouts and their families.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Joshua Riley's Eagle Project Fundraiser
This Saturday, November 17th, we will meet at the Scout Hut at 8:30am to sell doughnuts. 
Be prepared by wearing layers, pants with pockets, and having an attitude that is ready to have fun selling doughnuts!! 
Sales are easier when you have a smile!! :-)
We look forward to serving with you! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Popcorn Sales

Just a reminder that popcorn order forms and money should be turned in Monday, October 29th at the Troop meeting.  Thanks for all your hard work!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Popcorn Sales

This will be the last week for popcorn sales.  Popcorn order forms, money, and prize selctions will need to be turned in on Monday, October 29th.   Thanks for all of your hard work so far and don't stop selling yet. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Please ignore the Yule Log post

Please disregard the post about Yule Log.  It was last year's announcement.  Not sure why it was emailed out, but our website does that automatically.  We will try to find out why this glitch occurred and correct it.

We will organize a December trip to Yule Log, but details on that will come later.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mark Your Calendar for Christmas Court of Honor

Our Christmas Court of Honor will be THURSDAY, December 13 at Walton EMC. We were not able to schedule a Monday, so please make note that this event will be held on a Thursday evening.  Further details will be announced as the event approaches.  Please mark your calendar today and let's be sure to have a great turn-out for this important event.

Help with Josh's Eagle Project This Saturday

Hey Troop 81, 
It is time to start raising money for my Eagle Project, placing blue reflectors on the roads to mark fire hydrants in Monroe.  

We will have a Doughnut sale and Car Wash to raise funds.   

Date: This Saturday October 20, 2012 
Time: 7am - 2pm 
Place: First United Methodist Church Monroe 

Additional notes:    
Parking in the back of the church, FBC parking lot, or other city parking. 
Do-nut sales on Broad Street at red lights - boys with leaders or parents  
Wear appropriate clothing if you will be washing cars.   

We will be providing bottled water and lunch.   
We hope to be very busy washing cars and selling doughnuts due to the fact that the Fall Festival is going on in Monroe Saturday too.   

Please consider participating and earning "community service" hours.   

Thank you for your help, 
Joshua Riley

Monday, August 13, 2012

Court of Honor

Troop 81 will hold its Court of Honor on August 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium at Walton EMC.  Court of Honor is our quarterly awards banquet where Scouts receive merit badges, rank advancements and other recognition.

All Scouts and their families are invited to attend.  The Troop will provide the main entree (usually fried chicken) and each family is asked to provide a side dish or dessert. Mrs. T. will be calling each family to organize the event soon.

Walton EMC is located on Highway 78 east of Monroe at the intersection of 78 and Mount Vernon Road.

Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend this special event.

Troop Outing August 17-19


This month's Troop Outing will be a weekend campout at Camp Rainey Mountain.  Many of the requirements for First and Second Class will be offered, including the 5-mile Hike, Orienteering, and Swim Test. 

There will also be a Merit Badge in Welding offered by Mr. Steele.  Blue cards must be approved in advance by Mrs. Elaine and Mr. T.  Those who are signed up for the Welding badge are reminded to bring long pants and a long-sleeved shirt.

Menus, duty rosters and grubmasters have been settled at the last two Troop meetings.  Please bring the amount designated by your patrol (usually $7) to reimburse your grubmaster.  Regular overnight gear is needed.

Scouts will need a day pack with water bottle plus the Outdoor Essentials listed in the Scout Handbook for the 5-mile Hike.  Bring a compass if you have one for the Orienteering course.  Weather permitting, there will be swimming for general recreation and to fulfill requirements, so bring your swimsuit, towel and water shoes.

As always prepare for the possibility of rain.

Meet at the Scout Hut on Friday night at 6:00 p.m. to carpool to Camp Rainey Mountain.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

No Meeting This Week

Because the troop just returned from summer camp, there will be no meeting this Monday, July 9.  Our next meeting will be July 16.

Have a great week and remember to live the Scout Law!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Camp

Scouts who are attending summer camp are to meet at Camp Rainey Mountain at noon on Sunday.  Please arrive in uniform and be on time so that your gear can be taken by truck to the campsite.  If you are late, you will have to carry your gear in ( it's a pretty long way).

Bring $8 in correct change for pizza and ice cream on Thursday night.

Scouts are advised to bring 2 pair swim trunks, water shoes and extra sneakers.  A latching footlocker is recommended.  Consult your Scout Handbook for other information on what to pack.

Get ready for a great week at summer camp!

Colby Daniel named Senior Patrol Leader

Troop 81 elected Colby Daniel to serve as Senior Patrol Leader for the upcoming term.  Congratulations to Colby and good luck!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Get Ready for Summer Camp

It's time to get ready for Summer Camp at Rainey Mountain!  Are you ready?

Have you paid your camp fee to Mrs. Elaine?  Camp fees are now due!

Have you paid your Boy Scout Dues?  Double check and get your dues in!

Have you completed your annual BSA Medical Form?  Remember, a doctor's physical and immunization record is required for summer camp.  If you have not had a physical in the last year, you will need one for summer camp.  It can be difficult to get doctors' appointments at the last minute, so plan ahead!

Find the BSA Medical Form here:  BSA Medical Form

Camp Rotary June 8-10

The June outing is a camping trip to Camp Rotary.  Those who need to take the Swim Test to be eligible for advancement and summer camp water activities will be able to take the swim test during this outing.  In addition to regular camping gear, all Scouts should bring swimming gear including swimsuits, towels, water shoes (no flip-flops or open-toed shoes) and sunscreen.

Meet at the Scout Hut at 6:00 p.m. Friday afternoon to load gear and leave together.  As always, Scouts will travel in uniform.

Menus, duty rosters and grubmasters were settled at the Troop meeting.  Please bring the agreed upon amount (usually $7) to reimburse your patrol's grubmaster.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This Month's Troop Outing

This month's outing is a one-day event at the Scout Hut this Saturday, May 12 from 9:00 to 3:00.  We will work on Scout skills and advancements.

We will order pizza for lunch.  Each Scout is asked to bring a water bottle, your Scout Handbook and $2 for pizza.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Patrol Leaders Council Tonight - No Regular Meeting

Tonight's meeting at the Scout Hut will be PLC - Patrol Leaders Council.  Only the Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leaders, and Assistant Patrol Leaders, plus anyone who filled in for these leadership positions during last weekend's outing, should attend.

Other Scouts may attend, but are not required.

Street clothes are acceptable for this meeting - uniforms not required.

The meeting will be at 7:00 at the Scout Hut.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Troop Outing This Weekend 4/27

Troop 81 will camp this weekend at the farm in Walton County.  Scouts who are participating should meet at the Scout Hut at 6:00 p.m. to pack gear and travel to the site.  As always, Scouts should travel in uniform.  Please do not go directly to the farm.

Please refer to the Scout Handbook and bring appropriate gear.  Patrols have organized menus and duty rosters and should bring the amount designated (usually about $7) to reimburse the grubmaster who will bring all food for the patrol.

Don't forget water bottles, sunscreen and insect repellant.  No aerosol cans, please.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Camporee 3/30-4/2

Spring Camporee is this weekend, March 30 through April 2 at Scoutland.  Patrols have organized menus and duty rostersand have appointed grubmasters, so all Scouts who are attending should know the plans their patrols have made.  Bring the amount agreed upon (usually $7 if unsure) to reimburse the grubmaster.

Scouts will meet at the Scout hut at 5:00.  New Scouts should consult the Scout Handbook for packing list.  Even though the weather is expected to be nice, Scouts should always prepare for rain.  Extra socks, spare shoes and a light jacket for evening will be needed.

Always travel in the Class A uniform.

Mr. T. says, "BE PREPARED!"

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Directions to Mr. T's House - CORRECTED

So sorry!  The wrong directions were listed on the last message.  Mr. T's house is at the corner of SNOW'S MILL and POWERS ROAD.  Turn left on to Powers and the gate is the first drive on the right.

Arrow of Light is Monday at 7:00 at Mr.  T's house.  No meeting at the Scout Hut this week.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Arrow of Light/Crossover Ceremony 3/12

Troop 81 will host the Arrow of Light Ceremony and Crossover for Webelos Scouts from two packs on Monday, March 12 at 7:00 at Mr. T's house.  We welcome members of Packs 726 and 1735 who are crossing into our Troop, and will recognize those who have earned the Arrow of Light with a special flaming arrow ceremony over the pond.

This event will take the place of our regular Troop meeting.  There will be no meeting at the Scout Hut on Monday night.  Members of Troop 81 will participate in the ceremony, and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Refreshments will be served.

All Scouts who are available Sunday afternoon at 1:00 are asked to gather at Mr. T's house to set up for the ceremony.

Mr. T's house is located at the corner of Mount Vernon Road and Snow's Mill Road.  From Monroe on Snow's Mill, turn left onto Mt. Vernon and the place will be on the right. You will see a gate, a gravel drive and a pond.  The house is not visible from the road.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Summer Camp Payment Due

The first payment of $75 for Summer Camp is due at the next Troop meeting.  Those who have paid by this date will be able to begin selecting electives.  Please make checks payable to Troop 81 and give to Mrs. Elaine.

Update on Backpacking

Troop 81 will meet at the Scout Hut at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, February 24 to leave for the backpacking trip to Camp Rainey Mountain.  As usual, Scouts will travel in uniform.  Menus, duty rosters and transportation plans were made at the meeting Monday night.  All Scouts should bring $7 to reimburse the assigned grubmasters.

There will be a conservation project during the trip.  This will provide an opportunity for Scouts to earn service hours, a conservation project and/or the 5-mile hike to meet requirements for advancement. Scouts are requested to bring work clothes and work gloves. All other equipment and tools will be provided.

Weather is expected to be in the 50's during the day and 30's overnight.  Scouts need to plan accordingly for layered clothing, jackets, and sleeping gear.  A metal-framed backpack is recommended and comfortable, well-broken shoes or boots will be needed.  Scouts are reminded to bring Scout Handbooks so that requirements can be signed off.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Backpacking Outing 2/25

The Troop is making plans to go backpacking at Camp Rainey Mountain on the weekend of the 25th.  Preparations will be made during the next two Monday night Troop meetings.  The Troop will meet on February 13 and 20 (even though school is out for Walton).  Please attend these important meetings to make preparations for the trip.

Scouts are advised that a metal-frame backpack (as opposed to a school-style backpack) will be better for this trip.  There may be a backpack that can be loaned from the Scout Hut, so let the Asst. Scoutmaster assigned to your patrol know if you do not have a backpack.

Menus, duty rosters and transportation arrangements will be made at the next two meetings.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

order of the arrow

here are some of the dates for any one in O.A. Febuary=indian seminar 17-19, march=spring fellowship 16-18, april=conclave 20-22 ,may precamp / fellowship 18-20, july noac 30-4, september=powwow 21-23 remember you can pay for these events at the mowogo website.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Austin Odum Named Troop 81 Senior Patrol Leader

Congratulations to Austin Odum, who was elected Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 81.  As SPL, Austin is responsible for leading the Troop, organizing the weekly meetings, supporting the Patrol Leaders, advising the Adult Patrol and representing the Troop at District and Council activities.

Being the Senior Patrol Leader is a great honor and a tremendous responsibility.  Having elected Austin to this position of leadership, all Scouts are obligated to show loyalty and good followership to the SPL.

Good luck, Austin!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Junior Leadership Training 1/14

All Scouts are encouraged to participate in Junior Leadership Training this Saturday, January 14 at 9:00 a.m. at Sorrells Spring Church.  All newly elected Patrol Leaders are required to attend, and all Scouts who are seeking leadership appointments for rank advancement are strongly encouraged.  The training will be beneficial to all Scouts. This will be a full day session.

Sorrells Springs Church is located north of Monroe on Bold Springs Road, just past James Powers Road.  If you reach Carl Davis Road, you have gone too far.  A Google Map is linked here: Sorrells Springs Church. This is the church where we met to construct the trebuchet for Pumpkin Chunkin' last fall.

Lunch will be provided by the Troop.  Scouts should bring a filled water bottle.