Monday, December 12, 2011

Please Pay Annual Dues at January 9 Meeting

Annual dues are due at the January 9 meeting.  Dues are $60 for the year and should be paid to Mrs. Elaine.  Checks should be made to Troop 81.

Do You Need Service Hours?

Scouts who need service hours for rank advancement can take advantage of a service opportunity this Saturday, December 17.   Empty Stocking Fund of Walton County will be distributing food boxes to the needy and are asking for volunteers.

Volunteers will be packing boxes, loading trucks and delivering boxes to the homes of the needy. An adult will need to participate with their Scout.

To participate, go to the National Guard Armory on Washington Street (east of the Post Office) in Monroe at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday.  Be sure to wear your Class A Uniform.

This is an individual activity.  Other Scouts from our Troop may be there to participate, but we are not attending as an organized group.  Please be sure your parents understand that this will NOT be an activity supervised by the Troop.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Court of Honor

The Troop 81 Christmas Court of Honor will be Monday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the Walton EMC Auditorium on Highway 78 (east of Monroe, toward Athens).  This is a special ceremony where Scouts will receive merit badges, rank advancements and other recognition.

Mrs. T. will call each family this week to have you sign up to bring a side dish and let her know how many people from your family will attend.  All Scouts and their families are encouraged to attend.

Members of the Order of the Arrow are asked to arrive by 6:30 to help set up the tables and chairs.  All Scouts are asked to plan to stay after to take down the tables and clean up.

There will also be a gift exchange.  All Scouts who would like to participate in the gift exchange are asked to bring a wrapped gift of $5 or $6 value to be exchanged.  Please bring something that you would like to receive, no gag gifts. Camping gear and outdoor accessories are always a hit!

Court of Honor will take the place of the regular Troop meeting.  There will be NO meeting at the Scout Hut next Monday.

Yule Log

The Yule Log Camporee will be this weekend, December 9-11 at Scoutland. Scouts will meet at the Scout Hut beginning at 5:00 p.m on Friday to pack equipment and prepare to leave by 6:00 p.m.

The camping fee is $2 PLUS at least two canned goods for the can drive.  The can drive is a competition, so please bring at least two cans, but more if you are able.   Please remember to bring the money for your share of the meals and pay directly to your patrol's grubmaster.  This fee is usually between $7 and $10 depending on your patrol's menu.

Scouts are urged to BE PREPARED for the weather.  Daytime weather is expected to be in the mid-50's and breezy.  Layers and a light jacket will be needed.  Overnight temps are expected to be in the low 30's, so cold weather sleeping gear and clothes are needed.

Troop 81 has worked for the last several weeks to prepare for the Yule Log competitions.  We are ready to work together and do well.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Orienteering Sunday 12/4

There will be an orienteering excursion this Sunday afternoon, December 4, for Scouts seeking this requirement for First Class.

We are meeting in the parking lot of Lakeshore Estates Clubhouse located at the intersection of Hwy 138 and Lakeshore Drive. Lee Rowell, Chris Hickman and Scott Schorr are coordinating. Interested Scouts should email Dr. Schorr at .

The group will meet at 1:30pm at the clubhouse or Scouts can joins us at Lenora Park at 2:00pm which is located at the corner of Lenora Church Road and Lee Rd in south Gwinnett.

Scouts should wear their Class A uniform and bring a compass, their handbook, a clipboard, pencil and paper, good shoes, and a small handheld calculator. This event will probably take two or three hours.